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News on "Ideas"

The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
Albert Einstein
The more we know, the more we know that we know nothing...
Posted on Saturday, November 19 2016 - 15:51:30

« All I know is that I know nothing, but the others don't even know that. »

This Socrates famous expression is widely shared among people, and we realize, around us, that the more people grow their knowledge,  the more they doubt on what they know, and they realize that ultimately, they do not know so much …

Why? Tell me Why?

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this site has no scientific basis, and do not pretend in any way to be the holder of any kind of truth.
it only aims to make a list of ideas and cross-ideas associations, sometimes crazy, sometimes absurd, which one day came to my mind.
it’s ultimate goal is to make your imagination work, you the reader, and make you think about your own interpretations and conclusions, ... and why not to share them too.

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